
3: How to Start and Run a Restaurant with Jose Bravo

I sat down with restaurant entrepreneur, founder and owner Jose Bravo of Mexican Grocery and Veracruz Mexican Restaurant and got the run down of going from the idea to start up, ups and downs of running and growing both businesses.

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2: Referral Based Selling

What is referral based selling? By definition it’s a method of generating sales based on referrals instead of cold calling or sales other means, (I base this definition on generating 100% of my sales by using this method for the past 20 years).

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1: How to Remove the Pricing Objection

This is going to be focused on selling B2B services. What is your biggest sales objection, price, right? Well if not the biggest objection, it’s got to be very close to the top. Why can I say this? I’ve been in sales for over 3 decades and have had a small business for over twenty years, selling B2B services.

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0: Preneur Spark Introduction

Hi this is Tim Frisch, serial entrepreneur, founder and host of PreneurSpark.com. Preneur Spark is a culmination of a lot of years of being in sales with a lot of trial and error. I started Preneur Spark to hopefully pass on and help other entrepreneurs make their way without having to make the same mistakes as I did in the process. The areas I’ll focus on will be for sales people, small business owners and or entrepreneurs.

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Featured Podcasts

1. How to Remove the Pricing Objection

This is going to be focused on selling B2B services. What is your biggest sales objection, price, right? Well if not the biggest objection, it’s got to be very close to the top…

2. Referral Based Selling

What is referral based selling? By definition it’s a method of generating sales based on referrals instead of cold calling or sales other means…